JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — The president of the Missouri Association of Counties (MAC) recently appointed members of the association to serve a one-year term on one of MAC’s six Policy Steering Committees.
Pete Frazier, who serves as president of the association and is the auditor for Cape Girardeau County, appointed 63 members of the association to the steering committees. Frazier named the following members as the chairs for the steering committees:
Leslie Meyer, Audrain County Associate Commissioner, chair of the Agriculture and Environment Committee;
Krista Bruno, Macon County Treasurer, chair of the Intergovernmental Affairs, Finance, Tax Issues and Pensions Committee;
Janet Thompson, Boone County Associate Commissioner, chair of the Policing, Justice and Mental Health Committee;
Jimmy Laughlin, Camden County Auditor, chair of the IT, Telecommunications and Broadband Committee;
Jim Marcum, Pettis County Associate Commissioner, chair of the Transportation Committee; and
Susette Taylor, Atchison County Clerk, chair of the Community and Economic Development Committee.
Committee chairs will coordinate committee meetings, which can occur in person or through a virtual option that can be facilitated by MAC. Each committee will have a member of the MAC Executive Committee serving as a committee liaison and a staff member of MAC will be assigned to a committee to assist in coordinating meetings.
Chairs of each steering committee will serve on the MAC Board of Directors and be part of the Legislative Committee for the term. Committee chairs will be called upon to update the MAC Legislative Committee and the Board of Directors on any progress the committee is making during the active term at regular board meetings and during Legislative Committee meetings or video conference calls.
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Founded in 1972, MAC is a non-profit lobbying alliance of more than 1,450 county administrative and elected officials, working to improve local services for Missouri’s taxpayers. Headquartered in Jefferson City and governed by a board of directors, MAC promotes passage of priority bills and monitors other legislation at the state and federal level to assess any effects on the state’s 114 counties. The association also provides training resources during spring and fall annual meetings and operates a self-insured workers’ compensation insurance program for county officials and their employees.